

i am a hoarder. witness my hoard. i hope my obsession with archival, code, and fanfiction are beneficial to someone else out there. more links, tutorials, and sort categories coming soon ^_^

dyslexia friendly site skin for ao3

i swear by this workskin. here's how mine looks (click on the images to open them in a new tab):

the tutorial is super easy to follow, and should go without saying that you don't need dyslexia to use this site skin. it's mobile friendly and it has greatly improved my quality of life. please save your eyes with this lovely site skin!

access my code here:

ao3 read statistics

here's u/nevereverevee's tutorial on how to scrape your ao3 stats. i've copied out the steps here. i left the tutorial intact, but please see my notes for a better experience.

(someone had too much free time in june 2023)

isotope combination filtering

a fantastic tutorial from magnusthemes on isotope combination filtering that i used for this page! still needs archiving.

redditsave bookmarklet

i used to use reddit a lot. this was an extremely useful bookmarklet for skipping the (already very few) steps required to save a video from reddit. save yet another step by bookmarking the javascript straight from my website:


imood++ is an extension developed by roxwize. it's still being devloped and you can request features here. currently contains pie charts for moods and a thread viewer. chrome version here.

multiradical kanji search

a great tool for translation! you can pick the radicals that make up your kanji in order of number of strokes to perform a reverse search. this website also has lots of other look-up methods, but the multi-radical search is my favorite because it helps me to remember the components of different kanji. Four-corner input and multiradical by type are also great.

japanese sfx dictionary

use hiragana, katakana, or romaji to look up sound effects in manga.

spriter's resource

video game sprites galore! this is where i got a lot of my manjoume graphics