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Napkin Art

I draw on paper napkins whenever I get the chance. Occasionally, I take pictures of my work. This is a gallery for my napkin art, with a smattering of regular traditional art as well.

I like doodling fungi, plants, cats, cats, and more cats. I generally jump straight to pens with no sketch (pencils and erasers are unkind to napkins), and as a result, most of this art is very unpolished. I've left out the worst examples, but I might add them in someday. Like a blooper reel . . .

My materials include a ton of random office supplies and nice artist pens, the exact specs of which I will write down eventually. I buy them to treat myself on birthdays/holidays and end up wasting them on paper that is likely actively damaging them, but the plus side is that that means they're being used more often.