Changelog & Updates

06.22.24 new
  • my changelog is now on a separate page!! the first three most recent updates should display on on my homepage. visit my changelog to see older updates!
  • i joined artfight for the first time this year! come join me! this is my profile.
  • minor changes to my index page. it should look better on mobile now. additionally, chose different widgets for 2 of my webrings! ^_^

  • i'm pleased to announce that my sona page is up after lots of hard work!!
  • minor updates to fandom

  • napkin art is up!!

  • minor changes to the guestbook archive. mostly optimization for mobile

  • migrated my guestbook service and created an archive of my old guestbook. access it through the sitemap

  • wrote a wishy-washy new journal entry titled "collecting"
  • thank you to everyone who liked my update yesterday or welcomed me back! i still love it here

  • i'm back(?) after 2 months of dubious rest
  • edited fandom page
  • edited tools
  • working on adding alt text

  • fixed some truly egregious typos under music
  • added my birthday under about
  • created the site map and added it to my nav bar

  • added new tools to tools! slowly but surely
  • sasodei shrine is up. finally styled it more or less to my liking ^_^
  • did some housekeeping in fandom

  • check out the new tools page! it's small for now, but i'm working to add various things that interest me.

  • fixed a typo on the music page
  • added the music page to the nav bar (i think i finished that page on the 15th? 14th or thereabouts)
  • added a bunch of links in the /links section
  • i got access to my organization's adobe suite and i've been having a field day with dreamweaver. everything is so easy . . . i also downloaded github for desktop. my workflow is so smooth. you can keep a live update of your code and a preview server on multiple browsers. i am in love.

  • got that widget i wanted to make figured out. it . . . really wasn't that hard TT_TT

  • finished up the permawips tab and linked it under the art category

  • made it so that that the manjoume toggle wouldn't show on mobile (where manjoume is hidden)
  • applied to yet another webring TToTT (yume webring!! i'm excited for this one ^_^)
  • added some new sites to the linked sites
  • added a ton of credits to the credits section


  • added a portal to my writings. excuse the abysmal quality, i think i'm very funny

  • joined the shoujosei webring ~ visit it on my index page
  • changed link styling
  • cleaned up yesterday's edits a bit

  • new napkin art up ^_^
  • added the journal webring widget to the index so that people don't have to click into lizonline to continue going around the ring
  • new journal entry up (originally posted in /now)
  • css updates to /now
  • added a danmei section and an ungodly number of footnotes to fandom

  • created and begun to populate sasodei. wip. ive been in transit which is why updates are sporadic and incomplete

  • added a shit ton of web cliques

  • quiz results section in about section. i have more but i'll format it later . . .

  • added a really cool q&a box to the about tab
  • fucking around with js plugins over in napkin art. i'll add some more art some time soon =_= i just want a lightbox to work . . . and to look good . . . apparently too much to ask for!
  • added a now page. i really really really need to style it. i hate the way it looks at the moment TT_TT

  • added the latest drawings to napkin art. check them out!
  • changed the font on the napkin art page

  • the titular husband(s page) is back from war. please feel free to feast your eyes on my questionable taste
  • noticed the web doll was fucking with the mobile navbar. fixed it
  • added hall of shame section to the narbar
  • added a ships section to the manjoume shrine
  • created a button which toggles the manjoume doll for easier reading
  • i have decided that i hate ruby text
  • added an email to the about page

  • manjoume has been replaced, however, it is a strong possibility that he will make a return
  • added a girl to the navbar ^_^

  • sacrified my firstborn (navigation tab) to the gods (jquery). it'll take a little longer to load the navigation bar with this set-up but i'll be able to make universal changes and generally save myself a shit-ton of trouble

  • edited the appearance of the sozai. i'm really disliking my designs and considering taking them down

  • added a "back" button to the manjoume page
  • fandom nonsense. decided that my webpage isn't the place to review svsss
  • i am on the wikipedia article for tessellations for my sozai. added some designs. not very happy with the page right now but we'll get there!!

  • fixed some spelling errors in the fandom section. thanks, earthy. i am so embarrassed (managed to spell "yuji" as "yugi" because i am ygo trash)

  • added "about this page" and "likes and dislikes" to the fandom section for a very broad and general picture of the things i seek out in fiction

  • sozai. let me know if you use my materials and i'll link you on the page ^_^
  • gave each section its own page. this may be annoying to update, so i'm still searching for good solutions
  • added jjk to the fandoms page

  • organized my pages a bit
  • created and populated the behemoths tab
  • i wrote a journal entry yesterday that a lot of you seemed to enjoy. i might give that page a stylesheet and link it from the main page
  • added site blurbs in "links" section
  • added some socials to my "about me" page
  • created a blog page. unfortunately, it might be my best work yet *sobs*

  • created the napkin art page ^_^ it's a collection of drawings i've done on napkins (and paper)
  • added a link to the manjoume shrine with the understanding that it's a work in progress

  • joined the journaling webring and added the widget to my page!!
  • i've been working hard on my manjoume shrine. it's actually insane how much i have to say about him
  • added a ton of items to my to-do list! i'm excited to get to work!!

  • css spring cleaning. cleaned up everything that wasn't in use, the website might load a few thousandths of a second faster. let me know if i accidentally killed anything essential or if anything looks horrendously off, i did some ctrl+h and i already caught some errors
  • edited the bullet lists. they should look a lot better now (they're not inline with the text anymore!! hark!!)
  • messed around with the self-insert webring widget. it still looks iffy, but not as iffy as it did before. progress! i'll finish tweaking it at some point . . . i might even put it somewhere else. who knows? certainly not me
  • added manjoume to pc and tablet screens. hover over him for a surprise ^_^

  • added an "about me" tab. it's still in beta! i haven't tested it across all devices and browsers

  • buttons and buttons and buttons!
  • added "current" section to my fandom list
  • new blurbs in the fandom section
  • this is a microblog now
  • this is the first time i've messed up (to the best of my knowledge), but there was a terrifying moment where i had multiple neocities tabs open, and i managed to overwrite my progress by adding onto an old version and saving. luckily i had 198273 other homepage editors open, but it was still a bit jarring!! ahh!! maybe this is why we don't make changes into the neocities editor . . . *resolves to change absolutely nothing about my habits going forward despite having a nice brackets file open as well.*
  • coders hate her!

  • always adding new buttons. big things are in the works, but i'm editing in brackets for once to keep things neat, so expect a few big updates instead of a bunch of small ones in the next few days . . . (she says while typing into the neocities editor TToTT)

  • linked my neocities profile in the sidebar. might figure out a better way to style it at some point
  • new buttons! i'm so so so so SO crazy for all these sites. you can never have too many buttons c:
  • changed index.html to a gateway
  • applied to the journal webring! let's see what comes out of it, shall we?

  • husbands tab exists now. working on migrating my boys over there
  • it still exists, i just hid it for my own sanity
  • added some things to the fandom tab, edited some other things in the fandom tab. this is my website and i get to choose the commentary

  • i'm at 8888 views now. vriska would be proud
  • added some buttons and webrings
  • edited vrisrezi shrine a bit. might change the background again. i keep messing with the design -- mspaint gets me ^_^
  • feeling more at home here!! i've made some friends and i have some ideas for what to do next

  • at 7777 views. four of my favorite number? yay!!!
  • added a cute button
  • removed the border element from the 404 page

  • added a ton of buttons
  • moved the buttons to their own tab ("links")
  • adjusted media display sizing in "hoarding"
  • replied to fresh guestbook comments
  • spiced up my flavor text
  • more fancy conditional formatting
  • brought the chat back!
  • got rid of the visitor counter since firefox wasn't letting it show up
  • made the default layout more spacious and likely left in a ton of stray lines of code lying around in the process.
  • added more "new" gifs and pngs via fool lovers
  • moved the sidebar to the right

  • cleaned up code further
  • renamed "media" to "fandom"
  • took out the books section
  • major ui changes (moved the tabs to the left on pc and tablets. things should look the same on mobile)


  • created a long overdue "credits" section
  • minor code clean-up
  • renamed "about liz" section to "home"

  • removed the page title to improve visuals on short screens
  • removed the overlay. this webpage is red and it's about time it looked like it
  • renamed "blinkiez" section to "hoarding"
  • added a button in "hoarding"
  • changed header font
  • changed appearance of links
  • removed ::before and ::after pseudoclasses from the tabs
  • major formatting adjustments, switching to flexboxes
  • major improvements to the "media" tab mobile layout


  • shrines (WIP)
    • all the other ones, plus maybe a rodney shrine . . .
  • link repo and tutorial page (WIP)
  • fix the self-insert webring embed(s) (WIP)
  • sona page (WIP)
  • optimize all pages for mobile, especially the husbands page
  • add alt text. everywhere
  • wives page (milsirilmilsirilmilsiril)
  • add more album, song, and artist write-ups to the music section
  • make repeating wallpaper out of my napkin art
  • make a yu-gi-oh shrines section
    • finish the manjoume shrine (WIP)
      • make navigation a lot easier (start by anchoring headers, maybe make a filtering system and hide some things under the details class)
      • fill the placeholders
    • credits section for the manjoume shrine (sprite (favicon), background and lace, lace plate and font), tiny toast notifications, slideshows from w3schools
    • gx rivalshipping section
    • gx manifesto
    • yu-gi-oh gx terms wiki
  • make "about me" tab look better

possible ideas
  • friends shrine
  • ocs page
  • merch/items page. stickers page?

  • art section
  • music section
  • landing page for my writings
  • make a button
  • figure out how to set the local tab to "active" within each page [i dont want to anymore]
  • figure out why the cute cat picture isn't attaching to the 404 page [it is. no idea why it wasn't before TToTT]
  • make the window bigger on pc (remove page attribute?)
  • make "fandom" friendly for literally any mobile browser that isn't duckduckgo
  • credits page
  • find a place to add the chat
  • links page
  • "about me" section
  • napkin art section
  • the tabs are annoying since you can't link to them. replace with html pages
  • journal
  • sozai for my materials!
  • husbands page
  • change history page? to-do list page?